Patrick Kuwana

Patrick Kuwana

Patrick Kuwana (UE Africa Coordinator) represented UE at the Europartners conference in Hungary. The theme for the conference was “Following Christ in business” and was attended by about 120 from 29 countries. Europartners is a CBMC Ministry that is focused on introducing business people and professionals to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

At the conference, Patrick led one of the plenary sessions and spoke about facing corruption, bribes and being a Christian business leader. He shared from his own experience and answered the question: How to deal with corruption?
The conference also hosted a UE workshop where delegates discussed ideas and strategies on how to proactively address corruption in their own spheres of influence in their nations.
Patrick also facilitated a Young Professionals workshop with young leaders in Europe to discuss and find ways in which the next generation can tackle the scourge of corruption.
The conference has opened doors, especially into Eastern Europe (and especially the former communist countries) to build partnerships and further increase the UE momentum in that particular region.
Europartners and UE have agreed to continue to partner and work together in order to tackle the cancer of corruption and to encourage ethics, values and clean living in Europe.
Patrick Kuwana
UE Africa Co-ordinator
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